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Medical Receptionist (2 vacancies)
We are seeking 2 committed receptionists, who demonstrate enthusiasm for working in primary care, with a genuine interest in working with patients and contributing to the delivery of high quality health care. Applicants should be courteous, highly motivated, pro-active and good team players, able to project a positive and friendly image to patients/visitors.

Health Care Assistant (4 hubs) - NHS, UKFeatured
Job Summary: The Healthcare Assistant will under the supervision on the Lead Nurse and strictly in accordance with specific guidelines and protocols. They will work in close partnership with the other key members of the STAR Service, PCAC service, ELM Alliance Management Team and external organisations to implement & deliver the services on time and within budget.
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Enterprise Account Manager - Healthcare - Amazon, LondonFeatured
Would you like to be part of a team focused on increasing adoption of AWS business by engaging in enterprise accounts? Do you have the business savvy and the technical background necessary to help establish Amazon as a key technology platform provider? As an Enterprise Account Manager you will have the exciting opportunity to help promote the growth and shape the future of an emerging technology.
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From just £12 a dedicated expert will place your CV application in front of the queue and negotiate with employers on your behalf. See our price plans